
depth & insight-oriented therapy

I believe we’re called to grow and change when strategies that helped us survive and adapt, start holding us back. When who we learned to be starts getting in a way of who we really are. When we start feeling like we’re living a life too small and inauthentic.

This is when we start noticing an internal conflict.

Conflict between a part of us that feels stuck in learned, habitual patterns of shame, guilt, people pleasing, and self-judgment… And a more authentic part of us that longs to be heard, seen, and to thrive.

It longs for more ease, freedom, joy, depth, connection, self-trust, and authenticity.

  • Each one of us is born with inner capacity for wholeness, connection, and ease.

    No matter how difficult or cruel life has been, something in us is always moving toward wholeness. That wholeness is who we already are. We don’t need to deserve it, we don’t need to work for it, we don’t need permission for it. It is already within us.

  • Self-compassion and acceptance do. This is why a good fit between a therapist and a client is the most important thing. Safe therapeutic relationship is what creates conditions for growth.

  • In therapy, we make space for what ails and we look to understand our symptoms and use their wisdom, not avoid or get rid of them.

  • This idea might scare you at first, or it might be difficult to believe it, but it is liberating to know that no one but you has the answers to your most aligned, authentic, wholesome way to be.

  • As your therapist, my role is that of a supportive passenger rather than a driver.

    I’m here to point out discrepancies, challenge disempowering beliefs, offer new perspectives, and show you the angles you can’t see from your vantage point.

    But we always go wherever you want to go and at the speed you are most comfortable with.

  • This means that even though we sometimes feel trapped in our circumstances, we always have a choice. Every moment carries the possibility to make new decisions, create new stories, and move in a direction that feels aligned with who we want to be now.

  • In order to change anything we must first become aware of it, understand it, and accept it before igniting any change. Only from a place of acceptance and compassion, things can begin to shift in a meaningful and permanent way.

  • No matter how much pressure and effort you put on yourself, you can’t speed up personal growth! I tried and I can tell you from personal experience, it doesn’t work that way! Thriving is a result of openness, self-compassion, and radical self-acceptance.

  • We come to therapy with many deeply ingrained patterns, many of them which were really helpful at some point. We can honor that and make space for it while finding new possibilities. Unlearning what’s no longer helpful takes time and patience.

  • My approach to therapy is that of curiosity and creating awareness around subconscious patterns that cause suffering. Becoming more aware and identifying the root cause of current issues helps us come to a place of choice and possibility to engage in more

    productive and self-honoring ways.