Journaling Reflection Exercise

Reflections and self-inquiry are such powerful ways into our inner world. The key to an enriching reflection is curiosity. When we discover something we deem negative or bad about ourselves, many of us immediately start judging ourselves for it. If we anticipate that judgment may come up, we can notice it without engaging in it, and then observe it with curiosity. Keep this in mind when you do this exercise.
This reflection exercise is best when done in writing so you can save it and come back to it when you have time to be present with yourself. When you write things down, it forces you to be specific and clear about what it is that you’re thinking and it helps release it from your mind.
While doing this reflection, you might be tempted to bypass any negative thoughts, feelings, and behaviors because you don’t want to “put it in the universe.” Not acknowledging something that is there, is not going to solve it - it will stay dormant and will be affecting you without you being aware of it.
When going through the last section of “what would you like to believe instead?” write down as many new thoughts/beliefs as you’d like. Don’t be concerned with it not being realistic, but allow yourself to think of empowering, fulfilling, and powerful thoughts you haven’t had before. Take your time and really embody the feeling that the new belief would give you.
You can journal on the last section every day. Having a morning routine that grounds you and setting an intention for yourself acts as fuel for the rest of your day. Don’t underestimate the power of small daily habits. You can fuel yourself each morning by writing down the new thoughts and bringing forth the feelings that go along with them.

  • In what area of your life do you feel weighed down?

  • What are the specific thoughts, feelings, and behaviors weighing you down?

  • What beliefs might be guiding these thoughts, feelings, and behaviors?

  • What would you like to believe instead?

  • How would you feel if you believed these new thoughts?


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