Reflection on Desires

Your desire is your permission. When you authentically want something, the desire in itself is your permission to pursue it. There is a reason why this desire came to you. Following its direction is following your growth, potential, and fulfillment. 
You can’t explain it away with logic, because true desires don’t come from there, they come from the heart. They come from the most authentic, wise part of us that we are not always aware of. 
You can’t ask others for permission to follow your desires. It’s not for them to approve or allow something that was meant specifically for you to realize. Others might not understand it, they might believe it is frivolous or silly. They might even want to discourage you from following your desires. But ultimately, it is your journey, not theirs, so you do not need to listen to anyone else, other that yourself. 

  • What would you do if you truly believed you don’t need permission?

  • What desire keeps calling you?

  • What excited you about following this desire? 


​Am I responding from my wisdom or from my wounds?


Future Self Journaling Exercise