Quitting on Your Goals

Quitting is always an option, but before you choose that option, make sure:

You know why you’re doing it. Knowing the reason makes it a conscious choice, instead of it being driven by a subconscious fear or an assumption. 

You feel good about your ‘why.’ If you like the reason why you're quitting, it is less likely that you will regret your decision. If you like your reasons, it is an authentic decision, which will always lead you towards something greater. 

I do believe there are a bad reasons for quitting on something that is important to us. "Bad" reasons come from assumptions we hold about how something should be. 

Here are some of the bad reason to quit on your goals:

·      You’ve never done that before
·      You're not seeing progress in a timeline you expected
·      It is out of your comfort zone
·      You had your 1st or 10th set back
·      It is challenging/demanding
·      Judgments & opinions of others

Always ask yourself 'why,' and make sure it's a worthwhile reason.




​Am I responding from my wisdom or from my wounds?