Stressed About Your Goals? Here's What to Consider

1.Is this something I truly want?
Sometimes we set goals from a place of pressure or expectation, not from our true desires. If that’s the case, working towards your goals will be fraught with stress and overwhelm, instead of excitement and internal motivation to strive forward. 
2.Do I really believe this is possible for me?
If a part of you doesn’t really believe you are capable or worthy of accomplishing this goal, you will subconsciously sabotage yourself to stay at the level you actually believe is realistic for you. Any time your will power is faced against a deep subconscious belief, your subconscious will win.
3.What are the stories I have around that goal?
We humans make meaning out of everything. As soon as you set a goal, all of your fears, objections, and expectations will come forward. Write them down. Notice the ones that feel disempowering and have a potential to move you further away from your goal.
4.How can I make this fun?
Goals you set are neutral until you make it either fun or stressful. You might be working on your goal for a while…how you want to feel while you work towards something
5.Why is this important to me?
Remember that you are doing this for you and be clear on why it matters to you. A meaningful reason “Why” is more likely to sustain you through the obstacles.


Following Excitement...


Why Goals Matter