Future Self

​The Future Self concept was life changing for me, way before I even knew there was a name for it.
During the darkest times in my life, in my mind’s eye, I could clearly see a version of myself that was very different. That vision kept me going, striving, and not settling. Now I know that I was guided by my Future Self.
Reading this book feels more like remembering. It is full of little insights and practical ideas, plus it’s a fun and easy read which makes it a wonderful morning read!
Here a few of my favorite lines:
*A massive threat to your Future Self is simply that you’re thinking way too small. Multiply your vision 10-times or 100-times larger. You’ll be forced to understand the principles, rules, and strategies of living at a higher level. Instead of working harder, elevate what you think you can do.
*In every situation, regardless of what you’ve done in the past, there is always the possibility to do otherwise. There is always potential for conscious choosing.
*By seeing your Future Self as different person, you appreciate that this person sees things differently than you now. They care about different things than you do now.
*Moving from liking to loving your Future Self is the difference between sacrificing for someone and investing.


Receiving Abundance


True Self vs Conditioned Self