All or Nothing

Accomplishing one thing is moving you forward more than wanting it all but doing nothing.

All or Nothing thinking is one of the biggest mindset traps and obstacles to growth and progress.

All or nothing thinking is a cop-out from trying. It is lazy thinking. It lacks flexibility and nuance. It pretends to be useful (“I want to do it the right way”) but it’s leading to self-sabotage and stagnation.

It may sound like…
“I don’t have time to workout an hour a day, so I’m not going to work out at all”
“If I can’t succeed the first time, I never will”
“I messed up one time, so what’s the point of continuing”
“One bad thing happened, now my whole day is ruined”
“I don’t have time to do it “the right way” so I’m going to wait.”
Or any variation of giving yourself only two options. Remember that completed is always better than perfect.

All of nothing thinking loses its power when we decide to focus on doing what we can do (no matter how small the step seems) instead of thinking about doing big things, but never acting on them because we’re waiting for perfect conditions.

Forget about doing it all, just do something. 


​“I’m not good at it” vs. “I’m willing to try”


The Power of Commitment