Something Old... Something New...

Our adult lives are as much about learning and allowing as they are about unlearning and letting go.

So much of our identities and the beliefs we hold were colored by our childhood conditioning and adaptation to our environment.

In the process of learning and adapting, many of us had to give up certain parts of ourselves. Parts that felt authentic and true to us, yet weren’t welcomed and celebrated. Rather, they were ridiculed, shamed, neglected, or rejected.

As children, giving up our authenticity means approval and (perceived) safety.

As adults, giving up our authenticity means emptiness, numbness, and struggle.

But our authenticity is always there, underneath the adopted identity. It shows itself from time to time, when it feels safe.

​It shows itself in curiosities, creativity, excitements, daydreams, longings, insights, and possibilities.
If you are on the journey of unlearning. letting go, and connecting to your authenticity, here are some questions to reflect on:

  • When do I most feel like myself?

  • When and how I do I feel like I’m betraying myself?

  • What truth am I hiding from myself?

  • What am I afraid would happen if I let myself be me?


Making Peace With the Past


Authentic Living