You CAN Predict Your Future

We don't fully create our future on our own. We are co-creators. There’s a part of our life that’s out of our hands. The part we have no control over. But we can take the part that’s in our hands and do the best we can with it.

​The way you can predict your future is by observing how, where, and with whom you spend your time today. Your future is a direct response to the thoughts you feed and actions you take today.
So even though we are co-creating, it’s not completely true that we can’t predict our future. For example…
By observing your thoughts and the way you talk to yourself, you can predict how you will fee. By noticing how you feel, you can predict what actions you will take. Depending on actions you take, you can predict what kind of reality you will create.
Take a moment to consider:

  • What kind of future you want to create?

  • If you keep doing what you’re doing now, is it more or less likely you will create your desired future?

Read more on Future Self or check out this Future Self Journaling Exercise.


Daily Reminder


Excerpt from "A Return to Love"