How to Stop Worrying

First, you have to recognize that worrying is not productive or helpful. No amount of worrying can solve a problem. Worrying is a state of mind that produces anxiety and (plot twist) leads to move anxiety, not solutions. 

My husband sometimes asks me: “Aren’t YOU worried?” And I’m like: ”Ummm no? But I could be if you think that’ll help!” That usually gets me an eye roll.

But seriously. Any problem is either something you have control over or you don’t. 

That leads me to my second, and last, point. Distinguish if you have control over the problem or not. 

If you do, the question is:

Are you willing to do something about it?  And "What are you willing to do about it?"

If you don’t have control over it, any combination of surrender, hope, and pray will do.

Want more tips like this? Read this post about stuckness!


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