The Power of Our Thoughts

Every thought has the potential to create something powerful if we hold on to it long enough until we believe it. We suffer when we hold on to thoughts that make us feel like victims. Those thoughts are not any more true than thoughts that make us feel good.

You don't have to believe me, simply try it for yourself. How do you feel when you believe that you're left out, or that you need more healing, or that you're behind, or that someone is better than you, or that you're unworthy, or that you can't have what you want? Probably not that great! These kinds of thoughts will generate disempowerment and lack. 

Now try thinking something more uplifting and positive, like: "I'm well on my way," or "I already have what it takes," or "I am learning how to do it," or "Nothing is missing." How does that feel? What would it feel like to stay longer with those thoughts?  

My invitation is to hold on to thoughts that make us feel empowered and connected. 

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