How To Be Confident

When it comes to tips on confidence, you've probably heard of the good old advice to "fake till you make it." 

This requires you to will yourself into it and pretend that you feel something you don't really feel. I'm not saying this is a bad advice as it may work for some people.

But what if all this focusing on wanting to be more confident keeps you in the constant search of it? That search perpetuates the belief that you don't have it, because we only search for what we lack.

I believe there is something more powerful and important than confidence, and that is

The key to being more confident is to stop focusing so hard on confidence (or lack thereof) and focus on something within you that already exists, and that is, desire. The strength of your desire will always trump the lack of confidence. 
Think about the times in your life you did something bold, scary, or uncertain. Did you always feel confident? Probably not! But you still did it. Why? Because your desire was so much stronger than your fear or insecurity  that it didn’t matter if you did it scared.
If you are in a place where you’re waiting around to feel more confident or you feel like you're holding yourself back because you think you need to be more confident fist, I invite to stop focusing on confidence and instead start focusing on your desire. 
Really think about what is it that you want and why you want it?
Let that lead you. Really let yourself connect to the feeling of bringing that desire into reality. 

Want to read more posts about desire? Check out this


Our Imagination Is More Powerful Than Our Reality


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