Letting go & Letting in

A big part of life is recognizing when it's time to let go of certain things so we can let in something new, more fulfilling to take its place.

A journaling prompt I love (particularly when I feel weighed down) is "What do I want to let go of?" or "What is weighing me down?"

Think about the things, beliefs, opinions, feelings, memories, regrets, experiences, people, habits, etc. that feel heavy, burdensome, and unnecessary.

Let yourself write until nothing else comes to mind.
Notice how you feel after putting those burdens down.

Let yourself be in this lighter state, and from that place ask yourself, "What do I want to let in?" or "What do I want more of?"

Let all the things, beliefs, opinions, feelings, memories, regrets, experiences, people, habits, you would love to let in come to you. You don't need to force answers, rather let them arise from this unburdened state you're in.

​Notice how it feels to let in all that goodness. 


Trust that it is working


Daily Reminder