Birthday Reflections (Part 2)

Everyone has creative life force within them. Some are using it to their detriment by overthinking, stressing, self-judging, and controlling, while others are using it to their advantage by problem solving, creating, connecting, engaging, and taking action. 

  • Be intentional with whose words you let in your mind. Listen to people who inspire you. Ignore those who don’t.

  • No matter whether we have positive or negative beliefs about ourselves, we will live in integrity with our beliefs. We will always take actions that are congruent with our beliefs.

  • Before you ask someone to be a certain way, ask yourself: are you willing to be the kind of person you’re asking others to be?

  • If you feel exhausted by social media, it’s because you’re using it to consume rather than to create.


Birthday Reflections (Part3)


Daily Reminder