Let Go of Expectations

If you are using an arbitrary timeline to judge yourself for:

  • Not having the things you imagined you would have by now

  • Being single when you imagined you would be in relationship

  • Not having a career you imagined you would have 

It’s time to let it go!

Just because we expect things would happen a certain way and at a certain time, doesn’t mean they will.
And judging ourselves won’t change any of it. It will just add more misery to the mix.
If your expectations are making you miserable, why hold onto them? Drop them like a hot potato!
When things don’t turn out quite like you expected they would, approach life with more curiosity.

  • What if you’re being nudged to go in a different direction?

  • What if you’re called towards a new chapter?

  • Maybe you need to change your approach?

Let yourself be surprised!


Don't Worry...


Focus on You