Waiting for the Right Sign

Maybe you feel that something is off and life doesn’t seem as full and rich as you imagine it could be. Maybe there’s a nudge telling you that something must change, but instead of trusting your intuition, you decide to wait for a sign. 

You’re waiting for butterflies & hummingbirds (I’m a huge fan of both, so nothing against these beautiful creatures) to cross your path and signal it’s time to take charge of your life… And while waiting, you’re missing the most important sign - your inner wisdom!

Your inner wisdom is communicating through desires:
•You long for a purpose-driven life, self-trust, inner freedom, and ease.
•You’re called to step into your full potential
•You want to stand in your power and confidence

Your inner wisdom is communicating through constrictions:
•No matter what you achieve and how far you come, you feel unfulfilled and empty
•You’re chronically unhappy, restless, overwhelmed, and anxious
•Relationships are a source of anxiety, instead of depth and connection

When you’re scared to bet on yourself, no sign will be big enough. You will live in place of confusion, not allowing yourself to accept what is and not allowing yourself to move forward. This is a constricting place to be in, because it leads to believing that you have no choice. The truth is, you don’t need more signs. What you need is to listen to your inner wisdom and bet on yourself! Today is the best day to start! 


Here's what I've been up to!


"Trusting Your Intuition" Journaling Exercise