Let People Be Who They Are

Are your feelings dependent on other people’s behaviors and words?
Do you need people to behave in a particular way?
Do you often ask others to change? 

When we believe other people have the power to makes us feel a certain way, it’s not because they actually have the power to makes us feel a certain way. It’s because we hand them over that power and make them in charge of our emotional world.

We do that by believing that once they behave in a way we want them to, that’s when we will be happy. When we do this, we let our emotional world be controlled by what others do.

Other people’s words and behavior are revealing who they are. When you ask others to change, you’re not letting them be who they are. Once they reveal who they are, we have a choice to accept them into our life or not. Trying to change them is an option that will take a lot of focus and energy and it’s a battle you will lose.

Putting our focus and energy into trying to change people is a battle you will lose every time. 


Benefits of Journaling


​“I’m not good at it” vs. “I’m willing to try”