Benefits of Journaling
One of the best ways to start the day is by journaling. It's a form of reflective and grounding practice that connects you deeper to the truth of who you are. But for many who struggle with overwhelm, stress, and worry, taking the time to slow down and journal feels difficult.
Interrupting the constant chatter in their mind may feel triggering and can bring up a lot of self-judgment. It may bring up thoughts like "I'm not good at it," "I don't have the time," I don't know what to write," "I've tried it in the past and in wasn't helpful," or "I have nothing to write about."
None of these thoughts are actually true, it's your mind coming up with ways to make it complicated and task oriented.
The key is to get started even if it's one sentence, a few bullet points, or even drawing. It can be anything you want it to be and there is no wrong way to do it as long as you're doing it.
What are the benefits of a journaling practice?
It declutters your mind
Helps you make sense of your thoughts
Connects you to your desires, wishes, likes, dislikes
It grounds you in the present moment
It brings inner peace
You don’t need to be “good at” writing in order to journal
You just need to be willing to give yourself the time and space
It helps you generate ideas you didn't know you had
What to write?
Literally anything that’s on your mind
You can bitch and complain
You can speak to the Universe and ask for guidance
You can write about your likes and dislikes
Share your desires and goals you’re afraid to share with anyone else
Write about your fears
Again, literally ANYTHING!