Not Knowing How

It’s not necessary to know everything before getting started. In fact, it is impossible to know everything, Wanting to know exactly how we are going to do something is one of those things we tend to use against ourselves. 

We discourage ourselves from pursuing a meaningful goal because we don’t yet know how we are going to accomplish it. Thinking we have to know how becomes an impediment to starting. We tell ourselves that since we don’t know how we are going to get there, it must not be possible or meant for us to go after that particular goal. We tell ourselves it is necessary to know how. 

Don't worry about how. 

​Most of the time, *how* reveals itself after we decide what it is that we are after. Once we allow ourselves to imagine the final outcome, *how* will naturally come together. It may not even be the *how* that will get us to the final result. 




Benefits of Journaling