On Difficult Seasons

Being awake to life and living it bravely sometimes means we will be faced with difficult things we didn't want or choose. It is simply the fact of life. Bad, uncomfortable, scary, unpredictable things happen.

We do, however, have a choice around how we relate to those circumstances and the meaning we give them. And this part that is ours can amplify our pain and suffering or it can ease it.

​Resisting something we don't want takes energy. So when we give energy to what we don't want, we are strengthening it. 

If we can be with our pain in a curious, compassionate way, instead of resisting it, it no longer has power over us. It is just there. It is just a feeling to be experienced and information to be taken in, instead of a problem to be solved. 

Let your feelings and experiences be, don't push them away.

Be curious and ask: What message do you (feeling) have for me? What am I invited to learn through this? 


You're Never Really Stuck


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