You're Never Really Stuck

Stuckness is a state of mind, not a fact.
Maybe you are at crossroads, having to choose which way to go.

Maybe you’re standing still because you’re scared to make a decision and the longer you’re waiting and negotiating your options, the more stuck you feel.
Stuckness may feel safe, but it’s an illusion of safety. It may even be comfortable because it comes with no risks, rejections, or failures.

But as soon as you pick a direction (any direction) and make a decision, you will no longer feel stuck.
Be honest with yourself.

Let yourself know what you are scared of.

Name the choices you have.

Connect to the feeling of each choice.

​Remember that when things don’t turn out the way you hoped, you can always make a new decision. You are not a tree, you’re never really stuck. You always have the power to re-decide and choose your direction.


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On Difficult Seasons