​Why Working on Yourself Isn't Working!

YouMaybe you feel stuck in a cycle of “working on yourself” but never feeling quite content and peaceful. Maybe you’re stuck in a never ending search for that next thing. A better mentor, more knowledge, or a tool that will finally help you shift into a different version of yourself.
Although we never stop evolving and changing, there is a difference between intrinsic desire for growth and compulsive self-improvement driven by internal sense of brokenness.
Doing personal growth work from a place of overwhelm, fear, shame, self-judgment, and criticism, will not result in self-acceptance or healthy self-esteem, because it is driven by deep emotional wounding.
When past wounds aren’t attended to and processed, they’re like a well that can’t be filled.
When the core of your identity is wrapped up in self-hatred, “working on yourself” simply won’t work.
Here are some ways in which you may get stuck in constant personal development cycle. You:

  • Treat yourself like a problem to be fixed

  • Pursue growth from a place of shame

  • Avoid processing past trauma

  • Try to override feelings with fake positivity

  • Believe there is a place of arrival

The way to get started is to start addressing causes of your suffering, not just focus on getting rid of the symptoms. Working with a therapist or a coach one on one is best for this kind of work because it allows you to begin where you are.


Birthday Reflections (Part 5)


BirthdayReflections (Part 4)