Birthday Reflections (Part 5)

This completes my 37 reflections for my 37th birthday. 

26. Be discerning about who you take advice from and who’s opinion you allow to take space in your mind.

27. Your future self is the best person to check in with before making a decision because that’s the person that’ll be most affected by your decision.

28. Everything is temporary.

29. You never have to “work on yourself.” It’s about whether you’re thriving or not. If you’re not thriving, what better things you have to do then to keep finding things to inspire you and will bring you to the point of thriving.

30. The point of life is not to be happy. If you’re searching for happiness or expect to be happy all the time, you will be disappointed instead. Happiness is a byproduct of engaging with life in a meaningful way, not a prerequisite for it.

31. Your courage will always be rewarded. Either with a particular result or with an experience. 

32. Be intentional with what you practice daily because that’s what you’ll become good at.

33. Feeling any feelings is not a problem. The problem is resisting the feelings.

34. Starve your doubts, feed your desires.

35. Overflow your cup and give others from your saucer.

36. You will never feel ready to make a big move or do the uncomfortable thing, so do it while you’re inspired.

37. Things you’re trying to hide from others are the things that make you unique and different.


Note to Self


​Why Working on Yourself Isn't Working!