​(Sometimes Overlooked) Signs of Growth

I have a vivid memory of the time I said something that, in the past would take me into a full shame and self-judgment spiral. But that time, there was lightness about it. I couldn't stop laughing at myself.

I felt that something was different about me. Unlike previous times, I didn't feel like that moment defined me in any way or that it made me flawed or broken. It was just a funny moment.

This moment made me think of other ways in which healing and growth shows up internally. 

  • Laughing at ourselves, taking things less seriously & personally

  • Seeking out more pleasure, fun, and joy

  • Being more creative, spontaneous, and open-minded

  • Giving yourself more choices

As we heal, we stop using all of our energy to control situations and to protect ourselves from perceived dangers.
And the less we do that, we have more energy (life force) to create and connect to experiences that are light and enjoyable.
We understand that our ‘mistakes’ don’t make us less worthy, capable, or lovable.
We feel free and see choices that previously weren’t obvious to us.
What would you add to this list? Have you noticed any similar shifts in yourself?


Simple Yet Powerful Reframes


On Trusting Yourself