INner Becoming Blog

You Failed, So What?!

Failure. It’s a heavy word, isn’t it? Most of us define it as not achieving the outcome we hoped for or expected. But we don’t stop there. Oh no. We often add an extra layer of meaning: "And that means I’m a failure." Suddenly, it’s not just about the thing that didn’t work out. It’s about you.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Short-Term Relief, Long-Term Struggle: The Price of Avoiding Discomfort

Avoiding discomfort robs us of the opportunity to understand and grow through our struggles. Discomfort is a natural part of life. We all experience pain, fear, boredom, sadness, disappointment, frustration… These feelings are natural, but they’re also uncomfortable. Often, instead of allowing ourselves to truly feel and process them, we turn to quick fixes—short-term solutions to alleviate, bury, or avoid the discomfort in the moment.

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