INner Becoming Blog

Tik Tok “Therapy”: Why Social Media Advice is Not Therapy

While TikTok and Instagram have opened up valuable conversations around mental health, they cannot replace the depth, structure, and safety that therapy offers. Mental health is complex, and it requires professional attention and individualized care. Relying on social media influencers for advice on issues as serious as trauma, anxiety, or depression can be dangerous and ineffective in the long run.

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The Self-Improvement trap: When Working on Yourself Isn't Working

Have you ever felt like you're stuck in a never-ending self-improvement cycle, but instead of feeling more at peace with who you are, you keep finding new deficiencies to “work on” and end up feeling worse about yourself?

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What is complex (developmental) trauma or CPTSD?

Complex or developmental trauma is a type of trauma that occurs over a prolonged period of time, often in childhood, and involves repeated exposure to harmful events. This can include physical, emotional, verbal or sexual abuse, neglect, or witnessing violence. These types of difficulties and neglectful experiences disrupt natural development and make us adapt to our environment by creating strategies for survival. In a sense, we learn who we need to be in order to survive in our families of origin.

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Believe You Can: Overcoming Learned Helplessness

When was the last time you decided to try something for the first time, something you’ve never done before? What is the internal narrative that follows your desire - is it supportive and encouraging, or does something in you decides you shouldn’t even try, because “what’s the point?” If you notice that discouraging voice leading the show most of the time, you might be experiencing learned helplessness.

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Post-Traumatic Growth: Thriving from Adversity

Post-traumatic growth refers to the positive psychological changes that can occur in individuals who have experienced a traumatic event. It involves the development of new perspectives, increased appreciation for life, and a deeper sense of purpose and meaning. While not everyone who experiences trauma will experience post-traumatic growth, it's a testament to the human spirit's incredible capacity for resilience.

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Letting go of expectations & entitlement

We all have expectations and secret agendas of what we believe should be happening for us. From what we think our morning coffee should taste like (come on, burnt pot!) to how we imagine that big date going down (cue butterflies and fireworks). But here's the thing: expectations can be sneaky little buggers. Sometimes, they set us up for a major disappointment when reality doesn't quite match our perfectly crafted mental picture. We've all been there. The clash between what we expected and what actually happens can leave us feeling frustrated, defeated, self-righteous, and entitled.

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is it me or is it my circumstances?!

When it comes to navigating life's challenges, our perspective plays a crucial role in how we experience and respond to them. One key aspect of this perspective is our locus of control – the extent to which we believe we have control over our own outcomes. This concept can be divided into two primary categories: internal and external locus of control.

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What is my purpose & How do I find it?

Have you ever heard someone say, "Go live your purpose" and wondered, "What is my purpose?" Perhaps you are multi-passionate and have a wide range of interests and “finding” your purpose doesn’t seem like a clear and straight forward task. The concept of purpose can be elusive, ambiguous, and ever-shifting.

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5 Mistakes to avoid When Creating New Habits

Creating new habits and shifting old ones can be challenging, but it's definitely achievable with the right approach and mindset. Unfortunately, many people make common mistakes that hinder their progress. Here are five of the most frequent missteps and what to do instead.

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Personal growth, Self-care, How to Sladja Redner Personal growth, Self-care, How to Sladja Redner

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome & self-doubt

Feeling like you’re faking your way through a new role and constantly hearing that nagging voice that makes you want to hide? Many of us have found ourself in those self-doubting moments when we question our abilities and achievements. But no matter how big the insecurity is, you can be bigger than it. You don’t have to let the self-doubt swallow you and stop you from engaging in significant, sometimes scary, life-expanding expanding experiences.

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Creating a new beginning in the open field of possibilities

I love to think about the sheer openness of each new day. It's like waking up to a blank canvas, a fresh start, a field of endless possibilities. We have the power to plant whatever we want in this fertile ground. It doesn't matter what we planted yesterday or last year; we can start anew today.

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Self-Compassion: The Key to Self-Forgiveness, Healing, and Change

Self-compassion can be a difficult but crucial step toward becoming more embodied in our adult selves and overcoming influences of our childhoods. When we hold onto feelings of guilt and shame, on perceived past mistakes, or regret, we can become trapped in a cycle of negative emotions and beliefs that affect our relationships, self-esteem, and overall well-being.

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"Trusting Your Intuition" Journaling Exercise

Many of us learned to not trust ourselves. Our internal experiences may not have been validated and our ideas and thoughts may have been dismissed or ridiculed, so we disconnected from our own intuition and wisdom. We learned to turn outside of ourselves for guidance, because we learn that it is not safe to trust ourselves.

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