INner Becoming Blog

Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Something Old... Something New...

Our adult lives are as much about learning and allowing as they are about unlearning and letting go.

So much of our identities and the beliefs we hold were colored by our childhood conditioning and adaptation to our environment.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Authentic Living

Living authentically and honoring yourself may involve making decisions others judge or disapprove of.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Self-Discovery Exercise

If you don’t know what you want, maybe you haven’t spent enough time with yourself.
Self-discovery can start by simply as turning your curiosity inwards. Not to judge, evaluate, or analyze, but to observe and learn.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

New Beliefs

There’s nothing fake about practicing new beliefs that may not yet feel true.

* The more you practice them, the more they will feel embodied.

* Recently I heard that in order to change negative thoughts, you just need to replace them with the opposite/ positive thought.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

What Have You Decided Ahead of Time?

If you say things like:
It’s going to be hard
It’ll take a long time
I don’t know how
I shouldn’t…
It’s going to be overwhelming, uncomfortable, scary, etc.
It always ends the same way
I already know that
It’s just who I am
It’s always the same thing
I just can’t seem to…
If you say these things to yourself, you already decided.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

How to Feel More Powerful

If you’re not empowered and excited by the fact that you have the freedom to change the course of your life, it’s because you’re scared.
Believing we are powerless can be easier than believing we are powerful.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Daily Reminder

Why can’t you be the first one?
Just because no one around you took risks and opportunities, or decided to go against the grain, doesn’t mean your path can’t be different. If you grew up without seeing examples of the life and accomplishments you’re dreaming of, be the first one to do it!

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

How Do You Want to Get There?

You can pressure and push yourself towards something or you can be pulled towards it.
Judging, pressuring, and shaming yourself is one way to change, grow, and accomplish. It’s the way we use when we’re not connected to our deeper truth and authentic “why.”

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Allowing Change

As we move through life, it is natural to change and evolve. We will feel that change needs to take place when the way we navigated life isn’t working in our favor anymore. Changes can be abrupt and unexpected or subtle and predictable.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner


Fears may be driving many behaviors and thoughts that prevent us from engaging in full living.
Oftentimes, we feel drawn to something that seeks expression in our life, but then, fear comes up and we interpret it as a sign that we should stay complacent.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Quitting on Your Goals

Quitting is always an option, but before you choose that option, make sure:

You know why you’re doing it. Knowing the reason makes it a conscious choice, instead of it being driven by a subconscious fear or an assumption. 

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

​Am I responding from my wisdom or from my wounds?

The moment we believe we know everything about ourselves, we stop learning and being curious. Self inquiry and curiosity are some of the most powerful tools for healing and growth, because they challenge our assumptions and rigid beliefs we hold about ourselves - often beliefs that are hurting us.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Reflection on Desires

Your desire is your permission. When you authentically want something, the desire in itself is your permission to pursue it. There is a reason why this desire came to you. Following its direction is following your growth, potential, and fulfillment. 

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Future Self Journaling Exercise

If we want to create different results, we must look towards our future. We can’t keep turning towards the past to tell us what we’re capable of, what is possible for us, and how we can get to where we want to be. Past is limited with what it can show us because it only has experiences of what has already happened, not what hasn’t happened yet.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Teach Your Mind to Work You

If your mind doesn’t have something specific to focus on (i.e. creativity, finding solutions, accomplishing a goal, etc.) it will focus on the familiar and comfortable. That’s what minds do. Familiar and comfortable often includes behaviors, thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and perceptions that directly go against what we most want for ourselves. Familiar and comfortable is most often not who we truly are and what we truly want, but it's what we learned at some point and then kept repeating, so it is easy and well known to us- it requires no effort. 

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Breaking Generational Patterns

Breaking generational patterns is hard AND very possible. 

Generational patterns are (unspoken and spoken) rules and norms within the family that are perpetuated from one generation to the next. This can include: relational dynamics, gender roles, poverty, abuse, thought and behavior patterns, education level, traumas, and physical illnesses, amongst others. ​

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

How to Start Cultivating Self-Love

In the movie The Perks of Being a Wallflower, there is a scene in which the protagonist asks his professor about why we pick people who treat us like we’re nothing, and his professor answers: “We accept the love we think we deserve.”

…Do we?

I believe we do. I’ve experienced this in my own life. Over the course of many years, I can clearly see how my external experiences always mirrored how I felt about myself. It was reflected in my relationships, lack of boundaries, in how I treated my body, habits I engaged in, and certainly in the way I talked to myself. ​​

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

How to Make Better Decisions

Making decisions is one of the most important things that attributes to us feeling as a creator of our life. Even though a lot of us are not aware of it (mainly because we do it subconsciously and on autopilot) we make many decisions throughout the day. Many of these decisions do not feel empowering. The reason for that is that they don’t help us get to where we want to be, they don’t help us create experiences that feel joyful, and they don’t bring us close to our goals and desires. More often, the opposite is true – they make us feel us stuck, powerless, and lead us to recreating more of what we don’t want.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

End of The Year Reflection Exercise

You are allowed to change your mind. You are allowed to want something and not explain yourself. You are allowed to be grateful AND desire more. 
If a specific aspect of your life keeps being a source of stress, guilt, fear, anxiety, or anything that feels constricting, you have the freedom (and responsibility) to change it.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

​Do you HAVE to or do you CHOOSE to?

Words are extremely powerful. Words we use to define ourselves, others, our actions, relationships, and circumstances reveal a great deal about our internal world and how we approach life.

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