Have you ever heard someone say, "Go live your purpose" and wondered, "What is my purpose?" Perhaps you are multi-passionate and have a wide range of interests and “finding” your purpose doesn’t seem like a clear and straight forward task. The concept of purpose can be elusive, ambiguous, and ever-shifting.

Purpose is Always Within Us

Contrary to popular belief, purpose isn't a fixed destination waiting to be discovered. It's a compass within you, gently guiding you towards what truly feeds your aliveness. Instead of searching for a grand purpose, consider exploring the things that naturally ignite your passion and give you energy. Notice without judgement and without evaluating what is it that makes you feel alive, what makes you forget about time, and in what moments you feel most present. Sometimes, the most meaningful purpose starts with a simple interest that you cultivate and nurture.

Purpose is Fluid & Flexible

Life is a dynamic journey, and so is our purpose. While some people may discover their life's work early on, that's not the only path. Just like our identities shift and change, our purpose can change and evolve as we grow, learn, and experience new things. At different points in our lives we may pursue different interests, all equally valuable and meaningful at that given time. We don’t have to have only one purpose for the rest of our lives. So embrace the fluidity of your journey and allow yourself to explore different avenues.

Purpose is Personal

If we look outside of ourselves for too long, we might be convinced that in order for our existence to be meaningful, we must achieve grand things and leave a big impact on the world. How egotistical and self-serving of us! What if all the experiences, no matter how mundane and ordinary, are the most meaningful way to spend life. What if the ultimate purpose of life isn't necessarily about achieving something extraordinary or making a significant impact on the world, but living a life that is authentic, quiet, and meaningful to you, regardless of whether you receive worldly approval. Purpose is personal and it can mean to you whatever you feel fitting whether that involves pursuing a career, nurturing relationships, exploring hobbies, seeking answers to big life questions or simply being present in the moment. Often as I glance over at my sweet bullterrier River as she takes up the whole couch and snores her days away, I become filled with so much joy and think “what if rescuing her and making sure she is loved for the rest of her life was my whole purpose?! What if everything I did in life, simply led me to this moment of giving her the best possible life.”

Purpose is Continuous Self-Discovery

Finding your purpose is a continuous journey of self-discovery. It's about exploring your interests, listening to your intuition, and embracing the fluidity of life. It’s about suspending your judgment and letting it be different than what you expected. It’s about listening for the little signs that are telling you it’s time to change the course, or to stay a little longer on the one you’re currently on. It’s about letting go of the pressure and the timeline you created in your mind. It's about doing what lights you up, makes you feel alive, and brings you a sense of peace and fulfillment.

Questions to Reflect On

What activities or interests naturally ignite your passion and make you feel alive and energized?

Have you ever felt a strong internal pull towards a particular path or activity? What about you hasn’t changed much throughout your life? Have you noticed a pattern that feels constant?

If you could spend time on anything and no one would know about it, what would you spend time on?

If someone you admire and respect supported you in following your north start, what do you hope they would they tell you?


is it me or is it my circumstances?!


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