INner Becoming Blog

Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Maybe nothing has gone wrong

When things don’t turn out the way we expected, maybe nothing has gone wrong.

Maybe everything is falling into its place, but we can’t see it because we’re too attached to the outcome we wanted.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Trust that it is working

Don't decide too soon that it's not working.

​​The seed you planted won’t grow if you keep digging it out to see if it’s growing.
Similarly - doubt, judgment, and pressure don’t give us the results we want any faster.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Letting go & Letting in

A big part of life is recognizing when it's time to let go of certain things so we can let in something new, more fulfilling to take its place.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Daily Reminder

​Until you are kind towards yourself, you won’t be able to be honest with yourself. Until you’re honest with yourself, you won’t be able to take responsibility for your life. Until you’re willing to take responsibility for your life, you’ll be stuck in the same place.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Start with what you CAN do!

Don’t wait for a major change.

​Instead, focus on the small things that can be completed today and will make tomorrow easier.

Look around you and focus on what’s unfinished.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Self Expectations

We so often become slaves to our own expectations.

As we change and our life circumstances change, what once gave us motivation and energy may start feeling stale and pointless.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

On Comparison...

​Just because you’re at a different point in life than someone else, it doesn’t mean that you’re behind or that you’re not making progress.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Self-improvement or self-sabotage

Like anything in life, self-improvement can be used either as a tool or a weapon. Self-improvement is one of those things that we can very sneakily turn into a never ending ending cycle of "becoming better."

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

​Don’t turn a bad moment into a bad day!

Any moment we interpret as bad or undesirable can be just that - a moment. When we feed that moment and prolong it by continuing to think about it, we turn it into a bad day, a bad week, month, and year. You don't have to carry it with you like heavy baggage. Let it be and let it go. 

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

How to Create a Wellbeing Practice

Wellbeing practice can be anything that supports a greater mental strength and helps you feel anchored to yourself. The most challenging thing about these practices is remembering to actually do them and to be present with the experience. 

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Exploring Beliefs & Stories

It doesn’t matter if what you believe about yourself is true. When you notice a familiar story or belief coming up, ask yourself:

1. Is this story/belief useful?

2. Is it getting me closer or further away from what I truly want for myself?

3. How do I feel when I believe this story?

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Some answers can only be revealed over time.

​Some questions can only be answered by the future you.
Questions like…
👉 “Will it be worth it?”
👉 “Am I making the right decision?” or
👉 “Is this where I’m supposed to go next?”
… can only be answered in the future.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Don’t become your own biggest obstacle.

Instead of finding evidence for why you can’t do something, look for evidence for why you can. If there’s a desire in you that sparks joy, aliveness, and excitement, it is your job to move towards it and pursue it.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Do it for you!

You don’t need a selfless reason to do something that makes you feel good.“ Just because I want to” is reason enough. Do it for you!

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Thinking vs doing

​Thinking about doing something is not the same as doing it.
The only way to become good at something is to simply do it. Not just think and dream about doing it, but actually do it, because there is no substitute for the experience.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Don't argue with reality

We believe that if we accept the conditions and experiences we don't like, it means we approve of them, and that once we approve of them, we are doomed to being slaves of those conditions.

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