INner Becoming Blog

Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Daily reminder

Don't be attached to your current situation. This could be just a stepping stone to something greater. You are so much bigger than any circumstance or problem you're having. 

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Simple Yet Powerful Reframes

Be mindful of the words you speak to define yourself and your situation. What you tell yourself is more often than not, not a fact. It’s simply a story. If it’s a painful one - change it or reframe it.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

​(Sometimes Overlooked) Signs of Growth

I have a vivid memory of the time I said something that, in the past would take me into a full shame and self-judgment spiral. But that time, there was lightness about it. I couldn't stop laughing at myself.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

On Trusting Yourself

There is a part of you that always knows your truest desires even when you think you are lost. Your intuition is always guiding you towards the “right” choice.
Maybe you can’t hear your intuition, because the anxiety and fear and so much louder, but it IS there.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

​Why Hold Onto Things That Are Weighing You Down?

Whether you’re holding onto beliefs, people, or stories that no longer reflect who you want to be, the reason behind it is fear.
We’re holding onto things we’ve outgrown for way too long because we’re scared of giving up something we know so we’ll, even when it feels constricting.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Get it Done!

Big changes don’t just happen. They are a result of small, consistent, deliberate actions. 

Don't get discouraged by the time it may take to accomplish what you want to accomplish. Keep your long-term vision in mind and focus on what can be done each day to move towards the bigger vision.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Mind Your Words

When you say:
“This is just who I am”
“I don’t know how”
“It is what it is”

You close the possibilities for change and progress.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

If You Quit

If you quit when you’re scared you’ll never know who might be capable of becoming and what you might be capable of achieving. Quitting is always an option. But before you do, check in with yourself and make sure it is a choice that is aligned with your priorities, not a fear based decision. 

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Pursuing Your Desires

When you authentically want something, the desire in itself is your permission to pursue it.

It doesn’t have to be analyzed or explained with logic, because true desire comes from the heart.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Daily Reminder

Living authentically and honoring yourself may involve making decisions others judge or disapprove of.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

On Challenges

Challenges are not an invitation to quit, but to step into a different version of you.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Don't Worry...

Where exactly are you rushing to? It’s going to take as long as it needs to.
Anticipating that it may be difficult is not a reason not to try.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Let Go of Expectations

It’s time to let it go!
Just because we expect things would happen a certain way and at a certain time, doesn’t mean they will.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Focus on You

Instead of trying to change and fix others, focus your energy on ways in which you can show up as the person you want to be.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

​Anything You Admire in Others, You Have Within Yourself

Do you tend to compare yourself unfavorably to others and believe they have qualities that you don't? 

Anything you recognize in others (authenticity, confidence, ambition, free spirit, self-trust, optimism, playfulness, creativity,...) is inside of you.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

On Being Yourself

You’re not struggling to “be yourself.” You’re struggling because you believe you need to be someone else.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Celebrate Yourself Now!

Don't wait for major changes and big accomplishments to celebrate yourself. 

If you always compare yourself to where you want to be, you'll never be happy because you'll always be focused on what's missing and what you don't have yet. 

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Fear of Disappointment

Don’t be afraid of disappointment. You will be disappointed one way or another at some point in life.

​The only wait to avoid it is to stay in the same place your whole life and never try anything new. And if you let it, a fear of disappointment will make your world really small and dull.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

​What is your version of thriving?

This journaling prompt will start your month on a high note and will have your brain juices flow in all the best ways! 

What is your version of thriving?

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

On Difficult Seasons of Life

Some seasons of life will be more difficult than others and that’s ok. No one promised us life continuously filled with ease and comfort.

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