INner Becoming Blog

Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

A Whole Body Yes!

Think about a time when you made a decision with such ease and clarity that it didn't feel like decision. It felt like the only right option. It aligned with your head, with your body, and with your soul - it was a "whole body yes!" type of response.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Problems Or Ineffective Solutions?

Most of our current problems are solutions our past self came up with when it didn't have more options or resources. Our patterned responses to people, situations, and internal experiences might not be helpful to the person we are today.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

When you don't know what to do

"When you don't know what to do - do nothing."

This was the advice that made me take a sigh of relief in a moment when I felt confused, overwhelmed, and couldn't see a path forward. I was swimming in so many different options my mind was offering me. Instead of clarity I felt uncertainty, confusion, and urgency to make a decision. 

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Inner critic

Our mind can often be like a harsh bully, ready to attack when we feel most vulnerable. It can make us feel weak and powerless.  

Our mind follows a familiar script it's been given when we were young. It repeats those voices we heard most often, and will keep speaking to us the same way we were spoken to. 

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

How would a version of you that you aspire to be respond to this challenge?

When our predictable ways of responding to challenges don’t seem aligned with who we want to be, we have the ability to respond differently. When we're caught up in the moment, we don't give ourselves the space and the option to consider a different type of response, but that doesn't mean we are not capable of it. 

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Learning as you go

Sometimes we find ourselves in situations we've never been in before. 

In those moments we may feel lost, not having a map to tell us where to go and how to respond.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

On being honest with ourselves

Whatever we keep hidden from ourselves stays in the dark and feeds off of shame and secrecy. 

Only when we are ready to be honest with ourselves and when we are ready to admit to ourselves the truth, we can invite change.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

The burden of chasing our full potential...

In the self-improvement space, it's not unusual to hear people say they want to be the best version of themselves and reach their full potential. But who is that best version of ourselves? Why does it always feels out of reach? What's wrong with this current version? And is this potential everyone demands is so important even reachable?

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Forcing what's not working

Don’t get stuck in forcing solutions that don’t work for you. Even if one way of doing things seemed to be life changing for some people, it doesn’t mean it has to work for you. It either does, or it doesn’t. And if it doesn’t - it’s ok to move on without incessantly questioning yourself and forcing yourself to fit into a solution that's not meant for you.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

On Healing

Sometimes the desire to annihilate parts of ourselves is disguised under the idea of healing.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

On Feeling Lost

We tend to feel lost when we find ourselves in places we haven't been before.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Helping Yourself

No effort to help yourself is ever wasted. The first attempt to help yourself is like planting a seed. Every other attempt to help yourself is like nurturing the seed - giving it conditions to grow and thrive.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

My word for 2024

When thinking about my guiding word for the new year, I usually go with a feeling I want to invite or experience more often.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Let go of what you didn't choose.

Sometimes it’s difficult to stop entertaining past possibilities and roads we didn’t take.

​It can lead us to so many “what ifs” and “could haves.”

Trust that you made decisions that felt right at the time.

Trust that everything is unfolding as it needs to and at the time it needs to.

Own the choices you made.

Put your energy towards making the best of them.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Self-improvement or self-punishment?

​When we approach personal growth from a place of shame and self-judgment, we move further away from its intention and the whole process may start feeling like a self-punishment and a never-ending quest for “improvement.”

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Starting is easy...

Whether it's a hobby, a project, a relationship, or a personal goal, the initial excitement often propels us forward with great enthusiasm.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

Benefits of Journaling

​Let's talk about the incredible benefits of journaling and how it can transform your life.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

How do you define yourself?

The way we define ourselves can either liberate us or limit us.
In a world that constantly encourages us to label and categorize ourselves, we have to be aware of the limitations these definitions can impose.

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Sladja Redner Sladja Redner

The power of unspoken words

When we engage in therapy, we are encouraged to open up and share our thoughts and feelings.

However, there are moments when we struggle to find the right words or fear the vulnerability that comes with sharing certain experiences.

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