Creating a new beginning in the open field of possibilities

I love to think about the sheer openness of a new day. It's like waking up to a blank canvas, a fresh start - truly an open field of endless possibilities. Each new day is a fertile ground ready to embrace whatever seeds we’re planting - whether intentionally or by default. It doesn't matter what we planted yesterday or last year; we can start anew today.

Gone are the days of feeling bound by past desires, identities, or behaviors. We don't have to be prisoners of our past experiences or regrets. These things exist only as memories alive in our minds, and we have the choice to let them go.

Use the following prompts for a reflection or a journaling practice.


Find a quiet space where you won't be disturbed. Make yourself comfortable, perhaps with a cup of tea or a soft blanket. Take a few deep breaths and let go of any worries or distractions. This time is solely for you. There's no right or wrong way to journal, so simply let your thoughts flow freely onto the page. The following questions can be your guide, but feel free to adjust it as you feel called to.

Now, imagine your life as a garden. Just as a gardener intentionally plants specific seeds, tends to the soil, and waters the plants, so too can you start creating a life that feels most aligned with who you are now. Here are some questions to reflect on.

  1. What’s currently in your garden? What are some of the "seeds" you've planted in your life so far? Are you happy with the results? Was it an intentional planting?

  2. Are there any "seeds" that you'd like to uproot or replant? What's preventing you from doing that?

  3. What kind of garden would you like to cultivate? What would it look like, feel like, and smell like? What kinds of “plants” would make you feel most alive and joyful?

  4. What steps can you take today to create the garden of your dreams?


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