INner Becoming Blog

Believe You Can: Overcoming Learned Helplessness

When was the last time you decided to try something for the first time, something you’ve never done before? What is the internal narrative that follows your desire - is it supportive and encouraging, or does something in you decides you shouldn’t even try, because “what’s the point?” If you notice that discouraging voice leading the show most of the time, you might be experiencing learned helplessness.

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Wanting what you have

Gap theory of happiness posits that our unhappiness stems from the discrepancy between our current reality and our idealized version of life. We're always looking outward, focusing on what we don't have: better jobs, more money, more recognition, or simply more free time. When our lives are consumed by this constant pursuit of "what could be," we operate from a place of lack and dissatisfaction.

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Creating a new beginning in the open field of possibilities

I love to think about the sheer openness of each new day. It's like waking up to a blank canvas, a fresh start, a field of endless possibilities. We have the power to plant whatever we want in this fertile ground. It doesn't matter what we planted yesterday or last year; we can start anew today.

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